reputacao online - Uma visão geral

The examples above can be turned into more precise definitions using the concept of social evaluation. At this point, we can propose to coin a new lexical item, image, whose character should be immediately evident and is clearly linked to reputation. Image[edit]

This section is written like a personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor's personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic.

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Todos os tempo precisamos repensar a estratfoigia por uso dessas ferramentas e garantir uma Reputaçãeste Digital de que valorize tua advocacia e seu futuro profissional.

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Moreover, the expression "it is said that John Smith is a cheater" is intrinsically a reputation spreading act, because on one hand it refers to a (possibly false) common opinion, and on the other the very act of saying "it is said" is self-assessing, since it provides at least one factual occasion when that something is said, because the person who says so (the gossiper), while appearing to spread the saying a bit further, may actually be in the phase of initiating it.

the adviser declares it believes another (named or otherwise defined) agent or set of agents believes the potential partner is (is not) good for the transaction in object;

An online reputation is the perception that one generates on the Net based on their digital footprint. Digital footprints accumulate through all of the content shared, feedback provided and information that is created online.

Infelizmente esse procedimento só resulta se este link já foi removido e encontra-se em cache do google, eu tive o precisamente problema mas com portais por noticias e processos de que estavam pelo google difamando a minha pessoa.

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use image to decide whether and how to interact with the target. Once I have my own opinion (perhaps resulting from acceptance of others' evaluations) about a target, I will use it to make decisions about my future actions concerning that target. Perhaps, I may abstain from participating in political activity against Mr. Berlusconi.

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a cognitive representation, or more precisely a believed evaluation - this could be somebody's image, but is enough that this consist of a communicated evaluation;

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